Monday 28 May 2012

Lawak Vichuda

This event actually happens on a Saturday Night. You know how they say, saturday night+3 girls+loads of cute waiters=extremely funny moments!!!!

No hard feelings to Abe Iz, but the waiters are just funny and some of them are cute....Don't worry bak kata Abe Iz "kepercayaan itu penting"....:) Ok, we were hungry (I guess super hungry) so we ended up going to Restoran Vichuda in Kota Damansara----> this is where we celebrate Umi's 49th birthday....good times good times.....
We ordered like a lot of food, I mean literally a lot of food. As usual, tak habis mana pun. 

Basically this is how it goes:
Maisha I know you are in love with IY but still!!!!!
Maisha-Bayangkan klu kita semua dah kahwin and stay satu rumah.  I would be like "sayang"  bangun...and kakak would be like "abe iz" bangun...and mummy would be like "d" bangun....
Me and Umi-burst out laughing....

Maisha-Pastu adik semua bangun kul  and say "good morning sunshine"??
Me and Umi-burst out laughing extremely loud AGAIN!!!

What!!!! How come kamu sorang je yg dpt "sayang"....kesian kami berdua....humph.....

sayang, Abe Iz, d???? sungguh tak kena....tak mau tak mau....iiissshhhhh.....
lepas tu blh dpt sunshine lagi....Umi, ni lebih kurang "Good morning sunshine, good afternoon gorgeous and good night beautiful" la....hahahhahaha....maisha maisha....