Sunday 27 May 2012

A Typical Sunday

It is a typical Sunday in the 3D household. :) Woke up around 9am cause "someone" was making loads of noises when cleaning the kitchen...-Umiiiii, I know you did that on purpose to wake me up...:p Anyway, we made blueberry tiramisu instead of the typical coffee because Maisha's boy (IY) doesn't eat nor drink coffee....(BTW she doesn't even let us touch IY's tiramisu). 

This is not how exactly it looks like but it  is close!!!!

Next, of all the places to look for "kain"....we went to Midvalley....the most hectic, full of people shopping complex ever!!!! even being in a can of sardine feels like a 5 star hotel>>> do you get what i mean? 

It felt like this^^^^^

OOOHHHHH, I went to the Himpunan Sejuta Belia....I have no idea why and plus I don't even know what is the function for.  I walk the whole length and realize that all shops are the same, all food and drinks are the same and at every tent, there was someone singing. Might I add, I can sing better. Wow!!!! :p
Later I went to eat with Abe Iz  kerang bakar at Bangi.....


  1. Appreciate the moments together. Ye, she doesn't let us touch her IY's. Tapi blueberry syrup tu I yang buat kan? Admit it MY, you cannot survive a day without us! We are the best 3D-tribe.

  2. Just admit love ussssssssssssssss
